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Before you come to the office, we will connect with you via a phone call to get your first visit and follow-up appointment scheduled, and we will also email you paperwork that will need to be filled out before your appointment time.

When you arrive at the office for your first visit, you’ll meet with Dr. Kaylee to go over your history, paperwork, health goals, and do a structural exam. You will then receive a neuro-spinal analysis, which is a non-invasive and safe scan that allows us to see where your body might be holding on to any stress or compensation that is affecting the nervous system. You can expect this visit to be about 45 minutes.

Your First Visit

When you arrive at the office for your second visit, you will meet with Dr. Kaylee to review the results from your initial exam, history and scans.

You will be able to ask any question you may have thought of, and Dr. Kaylee will present her recommendations for care. You will also receive your first adjustment on this visit, yay!
This visit will last 30-40 minutes as well.

Your Follow Up Visit

Once you have been established under care in the office after the new patient process, your regular adjustment visits will last 5-10 minutes, although you are welcome to hang around longer!

We have water, snacks, a play area for kiddos, as well as a mom’s room with a nursing chair and changing table to make our office feel like home.

Regular Adjustments





At SALT + LIGHT WACO, we use state-of-the-art technology in assessing each practice member’s nervous system to get a deeper picture and insight into what is causing their health problems.

The Space Foundation certified that CLA INSiGHT Scans establishes a reliable and scientifically valid representation of the person’s nervous system and health. These scans are 100% safe for newborns, pregnant moms, anyone! They do not use any heat, radiation, needles, or electricity, but simply measure the skin temperature, skin conductivity, heart rate, and energy output of muscles!

There are three different scans we perform that each have a score, which is then put together in a “Corescore” to give us an idea of how your nervous system is function and adapting to the world around you. Below is a breakdown of each scan and what we are looking for.

Scroll through the tabs to learn more about each scan.

CLA Scans





Our thermal scanner measures the temperature on each side of your spine, starting at your sacrum and up to the base of your skull.

The surface temperature of your skin along your spine is controlled by your autonomic nervous system, which is what also controls “automatic” functions in your body such as heart rate, breathing, hormonal function, and much more.

If your autonomic nervous system is functioning properly and without interference, the temperature on the left and right sides of your spine should be the same.

This scan enables us to determine what organs and functions of your body may be affected, as well as the severity and chronicity of the stress.

Thermal Scan





Our SEMG scan, which stands for surface electromyography, shows patterns of stress in your nervous system that are affecting your postural muscle tone and balance.

The small muscles along your spine have very important functions, such as providing structural integrity and proprioception to the rest of your body.

If the energy of these muscles are too high or imbalanced, this can affect energy levels, coordination, and protection of your spine.






Our scan that measures HRV, or heart rate variability, gives us insight to how well your body and nervous system is able to adapt to stress.

Healthy people with a well-balanced nervous system easily adapt to stressors around them, and are found plotted on the graph with the white dot in the “green” zone.

There are four other zones that we might find your “white dot” plotted in, which lets us know if your parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous systems are more dominant and how much capacity for adaptation you have.

HRV Scan

CLA Scans

At SALT + LIGHT WACO, we use state-of-the-art technology in assessing each practice member’s nervous system to get a deeper picture and insight into what is causing their health problems.

The Space Foundation certified that CLA INSiGHT Scans establishes a reliable and scientifically valid representation of the person’s nervous system and health. These scans are 100% safe for newborns, pregnant moms, anyone! They do not use any heat, radiation, needles, or electricity, but simply measure the skin temperature, skin conductivity, heart rate, and energy output of muscles!

There are three different scans we perform that each have a score, which is then put together in a “Corescore” to give us an idea of how your nervous system is function and adapting to the world around you. Below is a breakdown of each scan and what we are looking for.


Our thermal scanner measures the temperature on each side of your spine, starting at your sacrum and up to the base of your skull.

The surface temperature of your skin along your spine is controlled by your autonomic nervous system, which is what also controls “automatic” functions in your body such as heart rate, breathing, hormonal function, and much more.

If your autonomic nervous system is functioning properly and without interference, the temperature on the left and right sides of your spine should be the same.

This scan enables us to determine what organs and functions of your body may be affected, as well as the severity and chronicity of the stress.


Our SEMG scan, which stands for surface electromyography, shows patterns of stress in your nervous system that are affecting your postural muscle tone and balance.

The small muscles along your spine have very important functions, such as providing structural integrity and proprioception to the rest of your body.

If the energy of these muscles are too high or imbalanced, this can affect energy levels, coordination, and protection of your spine.


Our scan that measures HRV, or heart rate variability, gives us insight to how well your body and nervous system is able to adapt to stress.

Healthy people with a well-balanced nervous system easily adapt to stressors around them, and are found plotted on the graph with the white dot in the “green” zone.

There are four other zones that we might find your “white dot” plotted in, which lets us know if your parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous systems are more dominant and how much capacity for adaptation you have.

Have More Questions?

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